Sciatica refers to pain or discomfort associated with the sciatic nerve. This nerve runs from the lower part of the spinal cord, down the back of the leg, to the foot. Injury to or pressure on the sciatic nerve can cause the characteristic pain of sciatica: a sharp or burning pain that radiates from the lower back or hip, possibly following the path of the sciatic nerve to the foot. 

How We Help

Our integrated approach to treating sciatic pain combines ketamine infusion therapy, medication management, lifestyle coaching, and talk-therapy into one treatment plan to address your whole system.

Ketamine infusion therapy works in a variety of ways to decrease pain. It decreases inflammation, regulates glutamate (main fuel source of your central nervous system ), increases synaptogenesis & neuroplasticity, and decreases central sensitization.

Chronic inflammation can substantially damage the body. High levels of inflammatory hormones lead to significant reductions in the size and function of neurons. This can result in nerve cell death. Repeated doses of ketamine protect, repair, and rebuild the damage caused by chronic stress (Ng, Huang, Chang, Chan, & Lai, 2018).

“Ketamine acts both centrally and peripherally. Its action is mediated by multiple receptor subtypes including opioid, NMDA, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate, kainite, and gamma-amino butyric acid A receptors. In chronic pain, ketamine appears to interact with the NMDA receptor. When stimulated, primarily by the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, the NMDA receptor leads to central sensitization via an upregulating feedback mechanism, a potential pathway for chronic pain. Reversal of central sensitization by NMDA-receptor antagonists such as ketamine is believed to reduce pain and may reduce the amount of opioid analgesics patients need as well” (Patil & Antiescu, 2012).

Central sensitization is a state in which the nervous system is always in a state of high reactivity. This results in heightened feelings of pain to non-pain provoking stimuli. The nerves affected by central sensitization have a much lower activation threshold than ‘healthy’ nerves. Central sensitization is thought to occur as a result of decreased pain thresholds, previous injury, and stress responses. Chronic stress is a known causative factor in lowered pain thresholds which may lead to chronic pain conditions.3-4 Allodynia and hyperalgesia are the result of central sensitization.

Allodynia ia s disorder in which pain is felt by things that are not painful. Example: if you have central sensitization in your leg, you may be extremely sensitive to bed sheets, light touch, or hot or cold temperatures. These normally non-painful stimuli can evoke massive amounts of pain.

Hyperalgesia is a heightened response to a mildly painful event resulting in an excessive and exaggerated response to pain. Example – bumping your leg on a table may be mildly painful, but with hyperalgesia may feel as though your leg is being amputated.

Frequently, people with chronic pain conditions experience depression and anxiety. It becomes a vicious self-perpetuating cycle. We address the body to help you overcome your pain and your mind and spirit to help you regain your sense of self and purpose. Our integrated approach to medicine addresses all these variables through a variety of therapeutic interventions such as medications, lifestyle coaching, and talk-therapy to help you stabilize and regain your health and inner peace.

“This is the first pain-free, medication-free day I have had in five years.”

– Will H. | Patient of Alleviant Health Centers & Depression Sufferer

Ketamine Infusion Therapy for Pain

Ketamine works in the nervous system to help break cycles of pain caused by nerve damage and faulty communication. Ketamine also has potent anti-inflammatory properties and increases circulation in the body, reducing joint pain brought by swelling. We administer low, controlled doses of ketamine through an IV infusion. Many patients find immediate relief from chronic pain during their first infusion.

Ketamine Infusion Therapy for Depressive Symptoms

Ketamine Infusion Therapy can also provide rapid relief from depressive symptoms for a significant number of patients. In controlled, specific amounts, ketamine stimulates the creation and remodeling of neurons that have atrophied in depression. Approximately 70% of patients may experience a significant reduction in symptoms  – many during their first infusion, which creates an excellent opportunity for rapid healing of emotional trauma with a therapist post infusion.

Comprehensive Psychiatric Care 

Comprehensive psychiatric care includes psychiatric evaluations, individual and group counseling, medication management, lifestyle coaching and talk therapy. We recognize that each patient requires individualized attention and we’re committed to helping you maintain the right treatment regimen for your particular diagnosis. Our team of supportive psychiatric professionals and counselors enjoy walking alongside our patients during their healing journey.


The symptoms accompanying sciatica may include the following:

  • Lower back pain

  • Pain in the rear or leg that is worse when sitting

  • Hip pain

  • Burning or tingling down the leg

  • Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg or foot

  • A constant pain on one side of the rear

  • A shooting pain that makes it difficult to stand up


Wade’s peripheral neuropathy began as sciatic pain in his leg but eventually grew into burning pain in his feet. The pain was so severe that for several years he couldn’t wear shoes or socks or walk very well. Wade tried multiple medications and pain management techniques but never felt any relief. When his son, a CRNA, brought up the idea of ketamine infusion therapy, Wade made a life-changing decision that has helped him get his old life back.

We are here to help you

Reach out to us by calling 866-951-HEAL, stopping by a clinic close to you, or filling out the form. One of our intake coordinators will be in contact with you within 24 to 48 hours.